Xpath in Selenium

Different ways to generate XPath in Selenium

1àGenerating Xpath on the behalf of Html Element attributes


So in Real Time



//*[@id=’f_id’]        Here * means any tagname

//input[@*=’f_id’]  Here * means any attribute

1.1 Using More than 1 attribute with Conditional OR , Conditional And

Conditional OR:  We can set 2 or more attribute, if any of them is satisfied action will took place

1st Way of doing :::   //i[@aria-label='Search' or @class='icon-search1']

2nd Way of doing:

Using Or Condition, while creating Xpath, will work in any match either first or 2nd

//a[@class='folder-name'] | //a[@data-action='open-folderview']

Path1                                 OR                             Path2

Conditional AND:

1st Way of Doing this à      //i[@aria-label='Search' and @class='icon-search']

2nd Way of doing this à      //i[@aria-label='Search'][@class='icon-search']

2à Locating element by the element text (if element text seems to be not changing)

1à By the Text(inner html) of the element


2à When we don’t have complete text information, we just know the starting text


3à When we don’t have complete text information, we just know the part of text



Using last keyword & Position seems not working  in Selenium


Below code will check or uncheck the second last checkbox and third last checkbox respectively.



Node Set : position() 

If you want to select any object based on their position using xpath then you can use position() function in xpath.

You want to select second checkbox and forth checkbox then use below command


above code will select second and forth checkbox respectively.

xpath=(//input[@type='checkbox'])[position()=2]        // Seems position starts from 1

4à Locating element by position


It will search li with class launcher, search and move to 4th existence and then go to its child

//li[@class='launcher placeholder'][2]/a

5à Locating element with Dual Search

First Search for element by using any existing technique

Then make another search in its child by using another technique


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  1. very useful info about selenium, you can contribute to selenium-cucumber
    more info : http://seleniumcucumber.wordpress.com/
